Maut Antim Padaav Hai...

"Death Is Not The Greatest Loss In Life. The Greatest Loss Is What Dies Inside Us While We Live." Break All The Barriers And Fight For Your Dreams.

Zindagi Ka Nhi Tehraav Hai
Ye Maujo Ka Sahil Se Takraav Hai

Fisal Rhi Hai Ret Hatheli Se Saanso Ki
Maut Antim Padaav Hai...

Jeena Nhi Yahan Aasan Hai
Macha Logo Me Ghamasaan Hai
Ghabrana Naa Tu In Sabse
Maut Antim Padaav Hai...

Takleefo Se Tu Naa Darna
Sikhati Hai Ye Gir Ke Sambhalna
Mushkile Safalta Ki Shuruat Hai
Maut Antim Padaav Hai...

Bulandiyaan Bana Tu Shikhar Ko
Kadmo Tale Tere Aasman Ho
Jeet Lena Har Dil Ko Tu
Maut Antim Padaav Hai...


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This blog is of original works of RONY. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of my poems may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. If found guilty serious legal actions will be taken against them.


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